Monday, August 6, 2012

Left Hand Principles for the Classical Guitarist - Part 1 - Hand and Arm...

Here's a new teaching video detailing one of the common problems in Left hand technique - sometimes leading to carpal tunnel syndrome. Hope you enjoy it.


Chuck said...

Thank you Kevin! So clearly explained. I wondered why my left hand would go numb after a few minutes ... :-)

Unknown said...

Could you suggest some books that might be good for the intermediate player? I've gone through the first and second Aaron Schearer books, and a book of George Economides progressive studies. (still have a little trouble with sharps and flats in the key signature, and alternate fingerings for notes)

Saei said...

hi kevin,i miss you,i think one year ago i visit your weblog everyday,now i have alot works and can visit it,but i always love your palying

Felipe M said...

Great explanation. I love Sor. That's a very difficult piece to play.

toramip45 said...

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ashley said...

Very clear. As a guitarist, I have met lots of people who have had Hand/arm problems. Its more common that we think yet its so simple to correct. It's actually one of the things i correct when im teaching, i'm always looking how my student is holding the guitar, where their hand placement is vs where it should be, and does it look/feel uncomfortable. i'm an constantly correcting hand position and movement.

Unknown said...

One of the most crucial stuff that guitar player sometimes fail to do before practicing are warm-ups. Playing the guitar is pretty similar to playing sports. Before you start practicing, it is more effective to warm up your fingers as well as mind frame towards learning the guitar. Typically, a simple warm up exercise for your fingers would take about 5 minutes and gear up the fingers to better performance. Guitar emergency does everything to help you learn guitar online.

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Heather J. Hamer said...

Thanks for dividing such guitar learning tutorial with us. Waiting for next post here.